
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Mabul Island ScubaJeff

TEN metres under the crystal clear waters of Mabul Island in Sipadan, Sabah, five divers swim slowly by the coral reef. As they approach a rocky part, leader Zaidi Burok or Scuba Jeff, gives a signal to look at a spot between two rocks.
The divers move closer with their underwater cameras, strobe lights in hand, ready to snap pictures of tiny colourful sea life called nudibranch, one of the thousands of inhabitants of the reef.
Ten minutes later after several successful snaps, they move to another spot nearby. It’s the lair of eels. A curious eel emerges from a hole, and the divers snap away.
This is Scuba Jeff’s routine.
The 37-year-old owner of ScubaJeff Sipadan ( budget chalets and dive tour in Mabul Island has been photographing undersea habitats for 10 years. He says his heart belongs here, at the reefs, ever since he took his first dive at Mabul years ago.
“The only way I can share these beautiful sea life with others is to capture them on camera and share them on the Internet and social media channels.”


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